Anyways my point is that majority of the sister I have befriended are either engaged with a brother, seeing a brother, or married to a brother. I am so shocked!!! How did this happen? Some of these sister are pretty religious and I am thinking ... You can get a guy to talk to you and I can't even get one to answer my homework question?

I also noticed it isn't the Somali girls getting married like myself it's the brown girls (Asian for you british readers) and Arabs. I get there is cultural pressure and other factors and you know I am not jealous it's just
.... All the great guys are taken!
Just recently I found out a brother who was in the MSA who I thought was single was dare I say .... Married Nooooo ! I said it. The pain.
I feel all that are left are ... All these Muslims guys who drink and party. No way am I lowering my standards.
I would love to go on and on about marriage, but I definitely would need a whole blog for that.
Random thought, but what do you guys think about inter racial marriages? Be honest now!
ReplyDeletekk now I'm gonna read your post. loool I didn't even read it yet. Saw the banner and scrolled down to comment. By the way get rid of word verification. Its annoying. -____-
ReplyDeletekk about your post: I'm a huge supporter of interracial marriages.
ReplyDeleteThe kids are beautiful. And just the whole union of it, makes it so beautiful. To see two cultures put away their differences just for the sake of caring for one another is huge in my eyes. :)
I think you should write a longer post on this. I know you have a lot more to say.
yeah I do. lol
ReplyDeletethanks for the compliment
I see nothing wrong with it. So support it. Keep in mind that it is EASIER for those around you to marry someone similar to you. at least...that's the perspective of most of our parents -.-'.....
ReplyDeletewait...that made no sense. Basically, for someone like me...with alot of family...a close tight knit family...its easier for me to marry someone similar that knows our customs, traditions...has the same values and beliefs. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean you should turn someone away because of something as menial and weightless as 'race'
ReplyDeletetriabalism, cultrual elitism, and racism are HARAAM. and its about time people stopped justifying that. the wars ain't about to stop anytime soon. just do you and live your life on the straight path.
i am done ;)