Friday, 30 December 2011

The Infamous Camel Hump

Have you ever seen those really stylish hijabis walking around with a big hump or I like to say bump on their heads?
Well, recently I have seen lots of hijabis with that style and the one thing I think to myself  ‘I wonder if they know this hadith’:

Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) said: There will be in the last of my ummah, scantily dressed women, the hair on the top of their heads like a camel’s hump. Curse them, for verily they are cursed. [At-Tabarani and Sahih Muslim]

If they do not know, may Allah guide them, but if they do know this hadith and they still continue it well, may Allah guide them. That’s all I gotta say :P


The reason I am bringing this up is because I was a on a bloggers page and she has this amazing hijabi fashion blog. I personally am a fan of her work. She had mentioned this hadith and many people began to write very strange comments that actually had me annoyed.
Let me show you

Nevermind I went to check right now and there is about 196 comments and I really do not feel like going through them all.


Some of the sisters said that hadiths are not always direct and have lots of meanings therefore it was somewhat okay. I started to cringe by this because the hadith was pretty direct and it had stated clearly that we should not wear the camel hump. If I read this to my younger sister she would clearly understand what it meant too, but let’s say it wasn’t clear, wouldn’t it be safer to refrain from doing it to be safe rather than taking the chance of being WRONG? ( think about that)

I think I understand why they argued about this hadith, perhaps they wanted to justified their wrong as right. Do you understand what I mean?  By not admitting they were wrong and hoping there is a slight chance they are right. Lots of people do this, I probably do this!

I just think we should not take risks in our religion. Like plucking your eyebrows, there is debate on this! Wouldn’t it be safer to refrain from doing it? And there is so  many other things that have been in debate, I understand you like doing it and you will use any excuse to justify it as “right” but it doesn’t mean that your right.

Wrong ≠ Right just because you want it to be.

1 comment:

  1. yo skinny girls who rock that.... look like bobble heads haha
