Sunday, 21 October 2012

Must be a Jinn

My maybe jin experience?!?!

Okay when I was in England I had something very strange happen to me. I was sleeping on my back and I felt something heavy on me and I couldn't move. I also couldn't scream. I was in a panic and I had no clue what was going on. After a few moments I could move, so I went to sleep on my side and the same thing happen again. 
So, like any other sane person would  I googled it. Turns out I had all the symptoms of sleep paralysis.

It happens to people at least once in their lifetime. It's very scary. Back in the old days it was associated with demons sitting on you.                     I also seen a reference on how it could be a jinn. SubhanAllah if it was a jinn thank God it never bothered me again.

Sleep paralysis is still something not really understood yet. So maybe it was a jinn.

Most of my friends know I have a fascination with jinns. Obviously not enough to ever contact them because thats haraam and scary :p

I have many jinn stories I can share with you, but for next time

So tell me have you guys ever experienced sleep paralysis or know someone who has?

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Time To Re-evaluate My Life

So I keep thinking about my life, my future. I expect that I will graduate university, get a job , then get married, have a baby, and live life practicing my religion. Yup, also have a dog with the white picket fence with a huge house :p (note I am exaggerating with my last sentence.)

Obviously life is never what we expect it to be. I can come up with so many possibilities and other outcomes of how my life may turn out. I might never finish university and drop out. I might meet a guy I am head over heels with and get married. Maybe I can never get married or never have a child. Even worst I may die tomorrow. Allah knows what will happen to me and what is best for me, but hey life is never the way we plan it.

I just feel like I have pressured myself to succeed and be the best I can be. Which is what we should all do, but deep down I know I am not being the best I can be.
As a daughter I can be so much better. Do extra chores and just be a overall great daughter and sister.
As a student I should bring home A's and use my time wisely by not wasting it on pointless things.
As a friend I could be so much better. Stop with my sarcasm, my jokes, and my rude comments.
As a muslim I could be so much better. Giving the attention and time to my Lord. Praying more often, on time , and being conscious when I do so. I can could be studying my religion on my spare time and not watching TV or playing on my phone.
As a human been I can just overall be better.

Why do I always do the bare minimal thing? Why am I so easily satisfied?

I let the shaytaan be my chill buddy.

I remember a time last year life was amazing. I made salah everyday on time and I would pray in the masjid everyday between my classes. I spent time in the library studying. My marks were amazing, I changed the way I behaved, the way I dressed, and was so conscious of Allah.

It may sound cheesy I was so sprung on doing good deeds I would kick sticks out of the side walk and into the grass. :P Pick up garbage and even gave dawah! I never even watched tv.

Then I became ashamed... Pathetic right?

Some of my friends had not gone through the same spiritual enlightenment I went through, so I would get frustrated with them. I remember I had a friend tell me some things that would try to stop me from becoming better. She told me how she feared for me... She was scared I might become a salafi (the ones who try to live in the old century)   because I was considering the jilbaab, she was scared I was becoming this overly happy Muslim. Which I was because man my heart was on some Iman booster that seemed to be lasting months. Subanhallah. I wasn't becoming a extremist I was just happy and working hard trying to be the best I could be. But she didn't see that...
I felt really hurt even though I didn't show it. I became self-conscious of what others thought of me. I was also losing friends since I was practicing more. I guess this happens when you try to please the creation than the creator.
I remember my brother telling me that if the shaytaan cannot get to you he will use others to get to you. Great, he starting using my friends against me and man did it work.

Well that's my stupid reason for becoming such a loser now, but I can say there has been other factors like food and tv! Oh and a little place I call the Internet!

My goal now is to become better and the best I can be. I seriously feel lazy even saying it. Even the thought of it makes me heart go ... "really dude you sure you want to do that? We can just catch up and watch the seasons of gossip girl. Chuck bass might hook up with Blair!!!" tempting as it is to watch Netflix brainlessly, I know I won't get what I want until I do. How can I expect for good marks if I wont work hard for it? How can I expect a pious husband if I am not willing to working hard for it? How can I expect Jennah if I am not willing to work hard on it?

Thank goodness I am not the type to get depressed. I am not hyped, but I got a black heart and it's going to need some heavy cleansing. I will keep you guys updated.

Any tips you have for me guys will be greatly appreciated.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Love is definitely in the Air for Young Muslimahs

At my university I have been noticing a recent trend. Well it's not so recent. Everyone is either engaged or getting married. I hang out majority of the time in the multi-faith room which by the way is occupied by 99% Muslims. I would say 100%, but I am not sure if you can count the ishamili Muslims :s you know them having the room to themselves and setting up a photo of some brown guy and all.

Anyways my point is that majority of the sister I have befriended are either engaged with a brother, seeing a brother,  or married to a brother. I am so shocked!!! How did this happen? Some of these sister are pretty religious and I am thinking ... You can get a guy to talk to you and I can't even get one to answer my homework question?

I also noticed it isn't the Somali girls getting married like myself it's the brown girls (Asian for you british readers) and Arabs. I get there is cultural pressure and other factors and you know I am not jealous it's just
.... All the great guys are taken!

Just recently I found out a brother who was in the MSA who I thought was single was dare I say .... Married Nooooo ! I said it. The pain.

I feel all that are left are ... All these Muslims guys who drink and party. No way am I lowering my standards.

I would love to go on and on about marriage, but I definitely would need a whole blog for that.

Random thought, but what do you guys think about inter racial marriages? Be honest now!