Let me beat you to the bush and tell you what I have been up to lately. If some of you noticed I actually have another blog that some friends and I have been working on. The blog is called
Muslim Cinderella story. You can go check it out. Read the first post to learn what this blog is about :)
So basically MaskedWomen was part of the blog, but she was not a consistent writer and she did not seem serious about it so xxcomplicationxx and I gave her the boot. Her journey still continues, but will not be published.
Step 1: Find the brothers.
So MaskedWomen told me she was serious about looking for a spouse. So I told her to leave it to me. I found two brothers, one who was serious about marriage , lets call him Bugs and one who... was not so serious, lets call him Daffy.
Bugs was older than us by a few years. He was practising and seemed like a pious person. Daffy, I do not know him at all.... to be honest I suggested him for purely entertainment reason. Just the thought of them together just made me laugh.
Step 2: Get a Lackey To do my bidding.
I am a girl I cannot just go talking to strange men as I please. I need a boy I know who can be trusted to put my plans into motion. So I got myself a sidekick. Gave him two basketball tickets to a game I received, so with that said, he owes me one. I call him....my
Step 3: Finding out their Statues
Turned out the not so serious guy, Daffy, was dead seriously not interested. He made it really clear. Even when my Lackey tried to convince him it wasn't MaskedWomen instead it was ... some other lady, he still thought it was her. looool I don't blame him. It would of never worked out ,but if did it would of been awesome.
Also Bugs turned out to be engaged with another women. This could be purely rumors, but it makes me kinda disappointed because MaskedWomen seemed really interested in him. Oh well on to the next.
Step 4: Plan B
So I took matter once again into my own hands. I signed MaskedWomen up on a site called
meetmehalal.com. I obviously had her permission (Dont sign up friends up without their consent people). She ended up getting messages from potential spouses. Unfortunately she was not interested so she ignored them.
Step 4: Step B.2
She later informed me she was interested in white converts and Spanish guys.
....Alright' I thought
I signed her up for
singlemuslims.com and then I searched for brothers who were Spanish or white. She messaged some guys she was interested in and she is yet to get a reply.
I was never a fan of these internet dating sites. Yeah you heard me DATING SITES because that what it looks like to me. You can easily use the site to date rather than looking for a spouse. My next plan is just going to tell her to ask her family or something. We can obviously see I have no idea what I am doing anyways.
Come on.... how are you choosing your spouses race and height over other things that truly matter first. Are you serious???? Does that really matter?
Signing off Bitter.sweet
How do you know if you are ready for marriage anyways?